Club Information

Sailing at Medley

Members may store boats within the club compound, subject to the availability of space and on payment of the appropriate fee. Please contact the Membership Secretary and the Rear Commodore before arranging to bring any boat to the club. Alternatively club boats are available for a contribution of £5 per half day session, an Enterprise and a Gull (both two handed)  together with a Topper and a British Moth (both single handed). 

All boats sailed on the Thames require an annual license from the Environment Agency; this may be obtained from any lock or from:

Environment Agency boat registration team

PO Box 544, Rotherham, S60 1BY

03708 506 506

Club boats are already licensed.

Members are reminded that all participants in any club sailing event must wear an appropriate buoyancy aid and possess third party insurance cover at a minimum level of £500,000. The committee strongly advises all members to adhere to this practice at all times.

Specialist insurance policies are available from a variety of sources at modest cost. All club boats are insured for third party liability; details of this policy are available from the Treasurer.

Please note that all Adult members are required to perform a minimum of two Racing Duties per year. These duties will be either on a Sunday afternoon or Wednesday evening during the Racing season. The duty may be assisting the Race Officer of the Day, serving teas on a Sunday, or if you have previous experience, driving the Service Launch or acting as the Officer of the Day.

Members are given the opportunity to specify a preference for the type and date of duty on the annual subscription form that is sent out in December. Once the Duty list has been published it is up to the individual member to do their designated duties or find a substitute.

If you have a Club Key, this will allow you access to all club facilities at any time. The security of Club property is an important concern, and it is essential that the Clubhouse and compound be locked at all times when there is nobody on the premises; in particular if you are sailing outside normal opening hours you must ensure that the compound is locked while you are on the water. It is the responsibility of all members to ensure that Club facilities are locked on their departure. Failure to observe these rules may be considered grounds for expulsion from membership of the Club under Rule 4.11 of the current Rules and Bylaws.

Please note that that a member wishing to resign from membership and reclaim their deposit shall give notice to the Honorary Membership secretary in writing before 31st January of the year in which fees next fall due and return the club key by the same date. A member complying with this deadline shall have their deposit refunded in full.

The attention of all members is drawn to the Fire Procedure that is clearly displayed in the Clubhouse.