Booking Club Boats

The boats may be borrowed at a charge of £5 per session, and can be booked up to a week in advance

Juniors (15 and under) may borrow boats without charge, but must make a booking. 

Club boats may be raced, but cannot score any points in a series. Club boats are insured and licensed for use on the river. Their use is restricted to the stretch between this Clubhouse and Godstow Lock unless prior permission has been obtained from the MSC Committee. 


Bank: Metro Bank
Account: 44772124,
Sort code: 23-05-80,
Ref: member’s name and date. 

Moth: #823

The sail for this boat is not numbered - to avoid confusion, any race entries made using this boat should state “Club Moth” as boat number. Our thanks to former Commodore Fred Hann for the bequest of this boat. 

Boom, rudder and sail can be found under the boat’s cover, and should be replaced there after use. 

This boat should be covered with the boom attached.

Gull: #1933

Boom, gaff, rudder and sail can be found under the boat’s cover, and should be replaced there after use. 

This boat should be covered with the boom attached.

Enterprise: #20312

Boom, rudder and sail can be found under the boat’s cover, and should be replaced there after use. 

The Enterprise has two sets of sails – a smaller set for leisure, and a larger race set.

This boat should be covered with the boom attached.

Topper 1: 

Rudder and dagger-board are under the boat’s cover, and should be replaced there after use. 

Mast and sail #44273 can be found in the lower rack marked ‘Club Toppers Only’ at the back of the boathouse. 

Please ensure dagger-board & rudder retaining cords are clipped to a suitable point on the boat to avoid loss (they sink, and are expensive!).

This boat should be covered with the boom detached

Topper 2

Rudder and dagger-board are under the boat’s cover, and should be replaced there after use. 

Mast and sail can be found in the lower rack marked ‘Club Toppers Only’ at the back of the boathouse. 

Please ensure dagger-board & rudder retaining cords are clipped to a suitable point on the boat to avoid loss (they sink, and are expensive!).

This boat should be covered with the boom detached

Topper 3

Currently only bookable for Junior Race Series

Rudder and dagger-board are under the boat’s cover, and should be replaced there after use. 

Mast and sail can be found in the lower rack marked ‘Club Toppers Only’ at the back of the boathouse. 

Please ensure dagger-board & rudder retaining cords are clipped to a suitable point on the boat to avoid loss (they sink, and are expensive!).

This boat should be covered with the boom detached

Topper 4

Currently only bookable for Junior Race Series

Rudder and dagger-board are under the boat’s cover, and should be replaced there after use. 

Mast and sail can be found in the lower rack marked ‘Club Toppers Only’ at the back of the boathouse. 

Please ensure dagger-board & rudder retaining cords are clipped to a suitable point on the boat to avoid loss (they sink, and are expensive!).

This boat should be covered with the boom detached