
Application Form 2023.doc

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Membership Secretary or pop along one Sunday afternoon (March to November) and ask for a committee member.



Medley is run by its members for its members, and so the facilities are simple, but pleasant. The clubhouse provides changing rooms with toilets, as well as a social area. The boatshed can be used for repairs, and for winter storage. It is also used to store the club launch.

Club launch

The club launch is used as a service boat for racing and may be able to assist sailors during club races, but not at other times. The club does not provide formal rescue cover at any time. While inexperienced sailors are very much welcomed, we regret that no formal sailing tuition can be provided at Medley.


Most members own a dinghy, which can be stored in the boat park (subject to the availability of space, and on payment of an additional fee). The club owns an Enterprise, a British Moth, and a number of Toppers which can all be used by any member for a small charge. We also own two Optimists, for use by junior members.


Medley is run by its members, so each club member is assigned occasional duties during the season, including acting as Officer of the Day. As well as helping to keep membership fees down, this is an excellent way to learn more about racing. Members anxious to avoid sailing duties can usually choose to assist with club catering/cleaning as an alternative.